Covid-19: How Your Church Can Survive Financially 03.19.20

Mar. 24, 2020 at 12:16 p.m. MDT

A helpful resource from:

John Albiston
Church Effectiveness Coach
Alberta & NWT District of
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

To survive this crisis your church must do two things:

  1. Reduce expenses
  2. Increase income

Reducing Expenses

  1. Mothball your facilities
  2. Reduce program costs
  3. Develop a staffing contingency plan
    1. Determine income thresholds
    2. Create a staff triage order
    3. Abandon tenure and hierarchy
    4. Prioritize tech and ability to connect
    5. Prepare yourself and your team for bi-vocational and volunteer options.
    6. Inform your people of government support options
    7. Do not abandon those you have to lay off!

Increasing Income

  1. Make it easy to give
    1. Physical giving
      • Sanitized drop off
      • Safe pick up
    2. Online giving
  2. Give them a reason why
  1. Formulate an action plan
    • For your congregation
    • For you community
  2. Cast the vision for involvement
    • By volunteering
    • By giving