King Jesus Disciple Making Forum

Apr. 7, 2020 at 7:38 p.m. MDT

The King Jesus 2020 Disciple Making Forum has moved Online!


Last week we announced that we wanted to send you to the Disciple Making Forum on us. Today, we are excited to discover that the ministry has generously opened the live opportunity up to everyone.

If you registered with us, we will ensure that your registration is processed this week. If you haven’t already had opportunity to register with us, we ask that you go directly to and select the FREE live experience.

Check out this link for the speaker line up and schedule:

We will be creating opportunity to connect and process our learnings via zoom in coming weeks, so please stay tuned to future snapshots and our WCD Facebook page to get involved.

We know God is doing a new thing in His World and we want to take advantage of this opportunity to be equipped, encouraged and challenged in what Disciple Making can look like in our present context and beyond.

In our present pandemic existence, I am excited to hear Shodankeh Johnson speak. Shodankeh is a leader in an explosive ministry that has catalyzed numerous Disciple Making Movements around the world. Shodankeh brings his experience of leading through the Ebola epidemic to our current situation.